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16 search results for: Balancing


Yes, You Can

Yes, You Can! gives you good advice, and it gives you more: it tells how you can make that advice part of your daily life. Whether your goal is to speak eloquently, discover hidden talents, or find fulfillment at work, this book can help. It covers more than 125 personal goals with the clear, practical advice […]


The Age of Heretics

Author Art Kleiner explores the nature of effective leadership in times of change and defines its importance to the corporation of the future. He describes a heretic as a visionary who creates change in large-scale companies, balancing the contrary truths they can’t deny against their loyalty to their organizations. “The Age of Heretics” reveals how […]


Rollin’ with the Wrenches

Rollin’ with the Wrenches Our newest guest writer at Learning Without Scars, Kenneth Johnson joins us this week ready to close the deal! In his inaugural blog post, “Rollin’ with the Wrenches,” Kenneth takes readers through the world of Field Service Technicians. But first, here’s Kenneth in his own words: I CLOSE therefore I AM […]


The Bucket Game: Navigating the Pitfalls in Service Management

The Bucket Game: Navigating the Pitfalls in Service Management Guest writer Jim Dettore walks us through the ways in which we use different metaphorical buckets to juggle our financial reporting in, “The Bucket Game: Navigating the Pitfalls in Service Management.” In the complex world of service management, the “Bucket Game” has become an all-too-familiar practice. […]


Is It Always Reasonable to Follow Through?

Is It Always Reasonable to Follow Through? Guest writer Sara Hanks explores the Say/Do ratio in business with “Is It Always Reasonable to Follow Through?” The concept of the Say / Do Ratio, a principle I learned during my time at GE, stands as a beacon of accountability and reliability. It’s simple yet profound: if […]


Developing Your Personal and Employee Persona

Developing Your Personal and Employee Persona Guest writer Ron Wilson explores the skills that we use in developing our personal and employee persona. Over our work life a great deal of effort, education, time, and energy is spent on developing the “technical skills” relating to our careers. Technical skills relate to the technical part of […]


Ever Wonder?

Ever Wonder? ‘ In this week’s installment on Lifelong Learning, guest writer Mick Vaught challenges readers to truly assess our paradigms and pre-conceived ideas in “Ever Wonder?” Ever wonder why we tend to remain in our comfort zone and never see a paradigm shift coming around the curve?  One of my all-time favorite role models […]