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17 search results for: Incentives



Incentives Tonight brings us another guest post from Steve Day. The former Vice President of Tractor and Equipment, Steve is discussing incentives, and how they can drive your growth in your business. Incentives Can Drive Growth For the majority of my career, I believed that a paycheck was a pretty good incentive for doing your […]


A Logic of Expressive Choice

Alexander Schuessler has done what many deemed impossible: he has wedded rational choice theory and the concerns of social theory and anthropology to explain why people vote. The “paradox of participation”–why individuals cast ballots when they have virtually no effect on electoral outcomes–has long puzzled social scientists. And it has particularly troubled rational choice theorists, […]


Leaders Eat Last

Imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up inspired to go to work, feels trusted and valued during the day, then returns home feeling fulfilled. This is not a crazy, idealized notion. Today, in many successful organizations, great leaders create environments in which people naturally work together to do remarkable things. In his work with […]


The Bucket Game: Navigating the Pitfalls in Service Management

The Bucket Game: Navigating the Pitfalls in Service Management Guest writer Jim Dettore walks us through the ways in which we use different metaphorical buckets to juggle our financial reporting in, “The Bucket Game: Navigating the Pitfalls in Service Management.” In the complex world of service management, the “Bucket Game” has become an all-too-familiar practice. […]


Employment – Wages – Inflation

Employment – Wages – Inflation Guest writer Andy Fanter tackles the topic of economics in his blog post for this week: Employment – Wages – Inflation. A little over halfway through construction machine unit deliveries by state, Ron messaged me about another blog.   I have done the big states, and the numbers are up!! […]


How to Repair America’s Talent Pipelines

How to Repair America’s Talent Pipelines In his May Report, Edward Gordon writes on the crucial topic of how to repair America’s talent pipelines. Micron Technology Inc., based in Boise, Idaho, plans to invest $100 billion in a semiconductor-manufacturing campus in a suburb of Syracuse, New York. Once fully built this campus will employ 9,000 […]


The Validity of 5-Star Google Reviews

The Validity of 5-Star Google Reviews Guest writer Roy Lapa walks us through the ins and outs of feedback. We have all seen reviews posted online, but how can we measure the validity of 5-star Google reviews? Can you trust them? Yes, with some precautions. Google actively updates, examines, and penalizes most false or biased […]


Employee Satisfaction in 2022 and Beyond

Employee Satisfaction in 2022 and Beyond Guest writer Alex Weaver continues the year-end reflections with a look at employee satisfaction in 2022 and beyond… Recently we looked at measuring our business / commercial performance around four metrics: Financial Performance Market Share Customer Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction In October, we discussed some factors influencing Customer Satisfaction and today’s […]


Upturn or Recession?

Upturn or Recession? Guest writers Steve Clegg and Debbie Frakes are writing for us this week about the ways in which our accurate forecasts can help us plan for real growth in “Upturn or Recession?” The equipment industry is cyclical and seasonal. Many dealerships react to events by looking backward at accounting financial statements, explaining […]


Ever Wonder?

Ever Wonder? ‘ In this week’s installment on Lifelong Learning, guest writer Mick Vaught challenges readers to truly assess our paradigms and pre-conceived ideas in “Ever Wonder?” Ever wonder why we tend to remain in our comfort zone and never see a paradigm shift coming around the curve?  One of my all-time favorite role models […]