Check This Out: We are announcing our Quarterly Newsletter

Check This Out: We are announcing our Quarterly Newsletter

Check this out, will you? It is already the middle of 2021. I really can’t believe it. We have been extremely busy at Learning Without Scars. Tonight, we are happy to be announcing our quarterly newsletter.

However, I am pleased to announce that on July 1st, 2021 we will be sending out our first quarterly newsletter. The first newsletter has six sections of industry-relevant information. I am sure from feedback and wider thinking we will adapt and adjust it as time goes on, however, it is coming soon.

I strongly urge you to go to our website and click on the blue “Sign Up” button to subscribe to our newsletter. Share it with your co-workers and talk about the subject matter exposed. We cover an Introduction, Parts, Service, Sales and Marketing, Business and Learning. There will be a lot of content and it is intended to provoke thinking and hopefully some changes in your perspective.

I want to express a HUGE thank you to Ross Atkinson for helping make this possible. Thanks, Ross.

Happy Reading everyone and welcome to our Quarterly Newsletter. Sign Up soon.

The time is now.