
Teaching on the Internet

Teaching on the Internet

Early in my career I taught education classes at McGill University in the Physical education Faculty. I was teaching potential coaches and teachers on how to teach. Obviously, it was about teaching to a curriculum but in my mind, teaching people has always been about helping people understand how to teach themselves. That is a lifelong activity and one that I believe we could all learn to do better.

In classrooms, teaching working adults around the world over the past forty plus years has been a true joy. I love seeing the lights go on in people’s eyes when they “get it.” But it is extremely difficult to be able to constantly understand where each student is on the understanding scale.

In the past decade “learning management software” systems have come a long way. With good course design and careful learning path development we can understand the level of learning for each individual student with a high degree of confidence. This makes the learning programs much more effective that at any time in the past.

At Learning Without Scars, we have created learning paths which cover preparatory reading, pre-tests, multiple video segments with assessments at the end of each, a final assessment and a student survey. This is our Learning On Demand products – our LOD’s. We have designed them to be able to earn Continuous Education Units – CEU’s. However, the primary objective is to be able to provide education and learning to our client students. In our recent blogs we have touched on the Science of Learning which proves how to create lasting knowledge from learning events. Our learning is based on a safe assumption. It is that one only has to go on collecting more and more information for it to be able to sort itself into useful ideas.

Employee development: assisting with personal growth is our driving compassion. I hope it is yours as well.

The Time is Now.